All That Is Solid

Installation 140×140 cm, 2300 kilo of sugar, glucose and food coloring

(all the ingredients where tested and approved by the ecologists of Staatsbosbeheer)

I placed a large ball made of sugar in a nature reserve. The ball slowly started to transform, being eroded by the rain, and eaten by insects.  

Made for Into Nature Drenthe 2021

All That is Solid, video 2024

A video portrait of the ball in all it’s phases. Edited by Diego Gutiérrez

Many thanks to the amazing:

Karin Siebring
Gijs Woldhek
Antoine Brochier
Marcus Bruystens
Tomi Ristic
Sanne Morsink
Judith Spijksma
Hans den Hartog Jager

The ecologists of Staatsbosbeheer for their advice and support.

Mondriaan Fonds

And the rest of the Into Nature team

Videos by Karin Siebring

For the Flies,
Installation, 80x80x30 cm
Sugar, food coloring, 2020

A piece of edible minimalism in the garden of Eva Meijer. The exhibition Verwerelden, that Eva curated with Gijsje Heemskerk, was mainly set up for non human visitors. Interested humans can see this wonderful project online at:

Some other experiments using sugar