Going on/coming up:



Sema Bekirovic (1977, Amsterdam, NL) is an artist and curator. In her work she questions perceived hierarchies by revealing the underlying dynamic interplay of powers and actors. She has made works using reactive chemicals and meteorites, and has collaborated with animals and natural forces. 

In her recent work Bekirovic focuses on how events resonate through time. In these works, her approach is both object oriented and personal. In 2023 she finished her first feature film, Once and Alien, an autobiographical science-fictional documentary about trauma and time travel.

Bekirovic studied at the Rijksakademie and at the Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. Selected exhibitions include: Rozenstraat (a rose is a rose is a rose), Amsterdam, NL (solo, 2023), Hosting Bodies Sanatorium, Istanbul, TK, 2021 In To Nature Biennale, Bargerveen, NL, 2021 Brugge Triennale, Brugge BE (2021), Dialogfelder, Chemnitz DE (2020), Gemeente Museum Den Haag, NL (2019)  Marres, Maastricht, NL  (2017), Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam NL (2016), Stigter van Doesburg, Amsterdam NL, (2015), Centquatre-Paris, FR (2015); Chong Quing AIR, Chong Quing, CN (2014),  Recontres d’Arles, Arles FR (2014), Jan Cunen Museum, Oss, NL (2013); Hayward Gallery Project space, London, UK (2010)

And curated projects such as, Reading by Osmosis, Zone2Source, Amsterdam (2020), Wildlife performance cafe, Goleb, Amsterdam, (2018). BYOB residency, Peyremorte, FR (2018) The Best Of Bees, Duplex Geneva (2017), Superposition, Momart, Amsterdam (2014). She also irregularly lectures at different art academies in The Netherlands and abroad. 

“Bekirovic’s work is best described as playful conceptualism. Like reality, it’s a universe of temporary constellations wherein objects, people, animals and/or chemical reactions trigger one another into acting out their parts in a play directed by coincidence. Bekirovic creates a field of tension between the parameters she defines and her subject’s personal agenda. She eschews a hands-on, interfering approach, allowing her subject to co-author the work.”

Marcus Bruystens


Link to full bio


Short film by Sije Kingma about For Every Atom, Fries Museum 2024

Short film by Sije Kingma about my work All That Is Solid for Into Nature 2021

Reading by Osmosis, Nature Interprets Us:

Press about Reading by Osmosis  can be found here

Art of Encounter, at ICI Berlin. With Michael Marder and Dan Liu.

The book Reading by Osmosis can be ordered at:


Things that blow my mind for various reasons.  A selection of research images for Mister Motley Salon


Why did you come to Japan? Me being interviewed for Japanese television on Narita airport, 2020

Kunst is Lang Radio (in Dutch):

A Selection of Articles



Many people and organizations have contributed to my work over the years, I would like to thank :




Marcus Bruystens
Mirza Bekirovic
Tobias Mulders
Peter Moll
Lotte Geeven
Jan Peter Schultz
Emma Diettrich
Matthias Kulutacz
Jan-Pieter Karper
Roos van As
Isabel Cordeiro
Heimo Gratzl
Ton de Vreede
Ben Geraerts
Maureen Ho
Jan van Agteren
Roy Taylor
Paulien Oltheten
Naro Snackey
Ruth Legg
Seb Schneiders
Tudor Bratu
Kerem Ozan Bayraktar
Andrew Wilson
Katja Mater
Stefan Dekker
Inez en Wessel Bezemer
Jorrit Bruinsma
Dijnselburg Zwembad in Zeist
Danny Martherus
Anja Zwaneveld
David Kraaij
Marcel Horck/ BEEZZZZ
Clive Jezard
Michael Marder
Alice Smith
Kees Moeiliker
Mamoru Suzuki
Tomoko Kawachi
Pjotr Boomgaard
Kees Reedijk
Andre Martens
Rogier Maussen
Niemeijer Fonds
Gemeente Amsterdam Zuid
Recidency 11:11
Z/KU Berlin
ICI Berlin
Rijksakademie Amsterdam
Wild boars
and many others